adult classes at haven art studio

adult wheel beginner lessons 8 week course
we offer 3 beginner classes monday evenings, tuesday afternoon and tuesday evenings. check our schedule to see if the times work for you. in this 8 week course you will learn the fundamental skills to in order to throw cylinders, cups, bowls and more. we start from the beginning of the process teaching wedging, centering, opening up the pots, pulling up the clay wall, and trimming the bottom to finish off our pieces. You will also get a basic lesson in glazing towards the end of our 8 week session. All beginners are given their own shelf and tool kit when signing up. we offer ample open studio to come in and practice on your own time free of charge not during other students classes. to register look at our schedule and see what time works best for you under adult schedule

adult wheel advanced lessons 8 week course
Intermediate/ advanced
students who took at least 6 months of beginner classes should continue to build on their basic skills of throwing and and learning along with exploring new techniques and furthering their knowledge of clay. advanced decorative techniques are taught using slips, stains and numerous other skills will be demonstrated during their 8 week course. to register find the class that is best for you under our adult schedule.

private lessons
Wheel “Throwing” is the process of shaping a lump of clay using a pottery wheel.
private lessons
learn the fundamental skills to throw a cylinder. we start from the beginning of the process teaching wedging, centering, opening up the pots, pulling up the clay wall. each student in the two hour lesson should make 3-4 pieces depending on student, we finish our wheel session with decorating techniques and then you choose the glaze and we glaze them for you for pick up in 2-3 weeks.
One Person (2 hours) $145
Two People (2 hours) $245
Three People (2 hours) $345
Four People (2 hours) $445

glazing workshops- coming soon
our studio offers top notch hand mixed glazes. we take much pride in our large selection. every beginner student will learn the basics steps in glazing their pieces. every time we open one of our three kilns it is like christmas here. here are a few glazing tips you can follow-
before you begin: when it comes to glazing pottery, do you feel glazed and confused? brush, pour, or dip? there are things like drying time and what clay you should use. before any glaze hits your pottery, there are a few things you need to consider
1.- make sure your piece is dry and clean.
2. – wax at least 1/4 inch along the bottom of your piece so it does not stick to kiln.
3. – when using more than one glaze on a piece make sure first glaze is dry before double dipping.
4. – find your style, do test tiles first what looks glorious on someone else’s piece might not be the same for yours.
5. – enjoy the process.

adult workshops friday nite lights one offs
for those interested in working with clay but can’t find the time in their busy schedules to join an 8 week session we are offering 2.5 hour one offs once a month for all artists- please check special events section of site for next running workshop each month we will offer a different workshop. platter making, canisters, mother & daughter wheel class. stay tuned and keep looking out for the email that will inform you on our next exciting workshop taught by exceptional artists.
visit our special events page to find our next friday nite workshop. we offer special one off once a month- all taught by master instructors.